The Saint Martin Pilgrimage Route in the Great Plain was inaugurated

On the seventh of May, the Saint Martin Pilgrimage Route was inaugurated in Kunszentmárton.

The event began with a festive mass, followed by the inauguration of the route in the square in front of St. Martin's Church, where Attila Werner-Várkonyi, Mayor of the city of Budapest, welcomed the guests and Ádám Ruszinkó, Deputy State Secretary for Tourism, gave a speech. Róbert Orbán, representing the St. Martin's European Cultural Route Council of Hungary, thanked those who had contributed to the designation of the new route. Klára Hegedűs Istvánné Hermann, President of the Jász - Nagykun - Szolnok County Association of Naturefriends, the initiator of the route, gave a short presentation of the route. The ceremony was attended by representatives of the Catholic, Reformed and Evangelical churches.

The 100 km route, marked in red STM letters, leads from Tiszapüspöki to Kunszentmárton, while visiting the most important sights of the Tiszazug villages. A pilgrim's pass has been prepared for those who follow the route, which can be purchased at the St. Martin Visitor Centre in Kunszentmárton. Address: 3 Köztársaság tér, Kunszentmárton Tel.: 70) 554 6005 Open: weekdays 9.00 - 10.00  

Saint Martin Visitor Centre - Kunszentmárton (facebook)

9700 Szombathely Ősz u. 4. • +36 30 352 0579 •