Gyalogos útvonalak

Saint Martin's Pilgrimage Route - Southern Route

The southern route of Saint Martin's Walking Trail (Via Sancti Martini) starts from Szombathely, the former Savaria, the birthplace of Bishop Saint Martin. The current end point is Martjanci (Mártonhely) in Slovenia.

Length: about 125 km.

The route is marked with a yellow bar in Hungary and a red and white circle in Slovenia.

St Martin's Pilgrimage Route - Northern Route

The route goes from Szombathely to Bratislava

Length: approx. 220 km

Saint Martin's Pilgrimage Route on Foot - Northern Route to Pannonhalma - Route Variation

 (some sections still to be designated)

Alföld St. Martin's Road (Tiszapüspöki - Kunszentmárton)

Route: Tiszapüspöki - Törökszentmiklós - Szajol - Kengyel - Marfű - Tiszaföldvár - Cibakháza - Nagyrév - Tiszainoka - Tiszakürt - Tiszaug - Tiszasas - Csépa - Cserkeszőlő - Szelevény - Kunszentmárton

Via Divide Caritatem - Regional Saint Martin's Way of Baranya

Route: Pécs - Patacs - Jakab-hegy - Orfű - Mecsekrákos - Vágotpuszta - Sikonda - Mecsekfalu - Mecsekjánosi - Kisbattyán - Máré vára - Kisújbánya - Zengővárkony - Pusztakisfalu - Lovászhetény - Nagypall - Erzsébet - Szellő - Kátoly - Máriakéménd - Hásságy - Magyarsarlós - Nagykozár - Új-hegy - Pécs

 Velo Martini - Cycling route 

The History of Saint Martin and Transdanube Travel Stories, one of our Danube stories The Spirit of the Danube -religion, developed in our Transdanube Travel Stories competition, can be placed at the intersection of the two themes, presenting the spiritual and built cultural heritage of the sites linked to the life and cult of Saint Martin. A cycling pilgrimage route will take pilgrims between St. Martin's Cathedral in Bratislava and Szombathely, mainly by bicycle. 


Using the cycling routes, it will take pilgrims along the Bratislava-Mosonmagyaróvár-Győr-Pannonhalma-Lébény-Fertőd-Sopron-Kőszeg-Szombathely route in seven days.

Spiritual exercises for the pilgrims: cyclists and pilgrims will be assisted by 1-2 spiritual exercises a day during the journey. Which you can find on tomorrow. 

More information about project: 

 Length:  approx. 340 km


9700 Szombathely Ősz u. 4. • +36 30 352 0579 •