Via Sancti Martini in Slovenia

Although it was already passable, the last section of the Via Sancti Martini Kostanjevica from Kostanjevica to Opatje Selo (the Italian border) in Slovenia was officially opened on 8 May. .

Although it was already passable, the last section of the Via Sancti Martini Kostanjevica from Kostanjevica to Opatje Selo (the Italian border) in Slovenia was officially opened on 8 May. Hikers and pilgrims on the Via San Martino are now assisted by signposts and direction signs everywhere in Slovenia. The route from Szombathely crosses the Hungarian-Slovenian border between Kercaszomor and Domonkosfa. The distance from Szombathely to the Slovenian border is about 650 kilometres. 

9700 Szombathely Ősz u. 4. • +36 30 352 0579 •