From Trieste via Szombathely and Bratislava to Trondheim - New Zealand pilgrim on the St. Martin's Way

Susan Legg set off from Trieste to walk through Slovenia, Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Poland to Trondheim, Norway.

It will follow the route of the Via Sancti Martini to Bratislava, with minor or major modifications, and from there it will continue on its own route to Prague. On average, he will cover 25 kilometres a day, with occasional rest days. He keeps a diary of his journey, his experiences and his encounters. There are and will be names of towns and villages that you will not need to consult the diary to remember, even when you return to New Zealand months later. For example, the "rest time" spent in Kerkáskápolna, Hungary, is particularly memorable. This is not his first major pilgrimage, having previously walked from Trondheim to Santiago. That journey lasted 424 days.


Susan arrived in Kőszeg in the late afternoon of 18 May. She plans to continue her journey the next day, the 19th, via Croatian and Pereszny to Und. After Und she will not follow the signs of the St. Martin's Way, but will head towards Fertőd - Eszterháza. He is a great admirer of Haydn, so he does not want to miss the village. 

Susan Legg nådde målet - a Norwegian newspaper about one of Susan's previous pilgrimages

9700 Szombathely Ősz u. 4. • +36 30 352 0579 •