Slovenian - Hungarian discussion on the Way of Saint Martin in Domonkosfa

The Slovenian and Hungarian organisations of the Saint Martin's Way have had good relations in the past. The increase in the number of people walking the route has made it necessary to exchange information on a regular basis. This was one of the aims of the meeting that took place in Domonkosfa on the third of May. The town is an important location, as the route from Hungary to Slovenia crosses here. It is also symbolically a place of meetings, because Hungarians and Slovenes, Evangelicals, Roman Catholics and Evangelicals live here together.

The venue for the meeting was provided by Jakosa Emerik, the leader of the local Hungarian community. He is also the main organiser of the St. Martin's Day tours in Domonkosfa in November, which have been organised for several years. The meeting also touched on the meeting in June in Szombathely of the villages bearing the name of Saint Martin, for which seven villages from Slovenia have signed up.

As a closing event of the 2016 St. Martin's jubilee, Domonkosfa municipality, the St. Martin's European Cultural Route Council of Hungary and the St. Martin's Cultural Centre in Slovenia will organise a joint event. The programme will consist of two parts. In the morning, an open walking tour will be organised along the 10-kilometre section of the St. Martin's Way, crossing Hungary and Slovenia. The walk will be followed by a ceremony at the church of St Martin in Domonkosfa, where the bronze "footprint" of St Martin will be placed.  The event is open to the public and visitors from both countries are welcome.

9700 Szombathely Ősz u. 4. • +36 30 352 0579 •