Opening of Via Sancti Martini in Slovenia

On May 8th 2022, Europe Day in Slovenia was celebrated by the opening of the Great European Cultural Route of St. Martin de Tours. The third part of the Route, leading from Logatec to Opatje selo on the border with Italy, had been signposted and information panels set up. Yesterday, some 200 pilgrim hikers and pilgrims set out on a hike from Opatje Selo to Kostanjevica na Krasu, to witness the unveiling and consecrating of the plaque with St Martin’s footprint on the facade of the local church.

The occasion was also marked by a special issue of a postage stamp and a commemorative postcard. The ceremony was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia, the Cultural Attaché of the Hungarian Embassy, local mayors and parish priests, as well as representatives of tourist agencies. The event was covered by the Slovenian National TV and National Radio.

The route through Slovenia is 550 kilometers long and stretches from the border with Hungary, Hodoš, all the way to the Italian border, to Doberdob (Doberdo del Lago), located in Italy; the Doberdob choir contributed to the celebration with excellent singing.


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