(N-10) - Lébény -Halászi

(N-10) - Lébény -Halászi

Route: Lébény, St. James church - Károlyháza (8.5 km) - Kimle, Mosoni-Duna bridge (12 km) - Máriakálnok, church of St. Martin (19.5 Km) - Halászi, St. Martin church (24.5 km)

  • Duration: 6 hour(s)
  • Length: 23,5 km

Area: Northern route
: Walking routes

Stop point

Stop point - Halaszi - Church of St. Martin

Halászi - Szent Márton templom

In the Árpád period, the inhabitants of the settlement were fish transporters for the royal court of Moson. Halászi has been a...


Stop point - Lébény - St James Church

Lébény - Szent Jakab templom

The Benedictine monks settled in Lébény in the Árpád era. The abbey is already mentioned in a document dated 1199. The church at...


Stop point - Lébény


The church of St. James Abbey, built at the turn of the 12th and 13th centuries, is one of the most significant works of...


Stop point - Károlyháza


Károlyháza is a young settlement of Győr - Moson - Sopron county. The former manorial estate named after Archduke Charles...


Stop point - Halászi


The settlement was already a fishing village in the Árpád era. Its inhabitants were fish transporters for the royal court of...


Stop point - Máriakálnok


The village is a renowned place of pilgrimage. According to legend, Christian soldiers retreating from the Turks stopped to rest...


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