Stop point - Kiszsidány

Stop point - Kiszsidány

Kiszsidány (Roggendorf) is a village of German nationality... The St. Martin's Road from Horvátzsidány passes the Kiszsidány spring, where a rest area has been set up. The population is about half - half evangelical and half Roman Catholic. The population of the village in 2010 was 101.

The village of 120 inhabitants today is a very ancient settlement. The first written record dates back to 1225, but people lived here before that date, as evidenced by the noble castle from the Árpád period. In 1225, the then united Zsidány first appeared in written sources, and the first evidence of their separation dates back to 1397. In 1410, one of the former pledge-holders was named Chamazzsidány, a memory of which is preserved on a part of the border, where some believe it was the site of an early earthwork castle. Two years later, however, the German name Rockendorf was used.

The name Kiszsidány became official in 1946.
Its first known owners were the Cistercians of Borsmonostor, part of the Kőszeg estate of the Garai family in the early 15th century. At that time it was considered part of Vas County, but later became part of Sopron County. At the end of the 17th century it belonged to the Esterházy family, whose count's branch received it in a partition.


- Szűz Mária neve r.k. templom

- Evangélikus harangtorony

  • Kiszsidány

9700 Szombathely Ősz u. 4. • +36 30 352 0579 •