Point of interest -Mosonmagyaróvár - Flexum Thermal & Spa

Point of interest -Mosonmagyaróvár - Flexum Thermal & Spa

In recent years, Flexum Thermal & Spa has undergone a huge development, which has resulted in seven permanently operating thermal water pools of different water temperatures, which are waiting for guests who want to heal, relax and do sports.

The spa's thermal waters, which rise from a depth of 2,000 metres and have a therapeutic temperature of 74 degrees Celsius, are popular with all ages. And the spa and the charming town of Mosonmagyaróvár are full of green belts and water areas, where the whole family can find the recreational, excursion and boating opportunities that suit them best.

Source of text and images: https://flexumthermal.hu/gclid=CjwKCAjwp7eUBhBeEiwAZbHwkZgWkYTseIlQ8AzCzrl0tqOKbIf8EFc9dGVK0ETCgxCn1eEdyKwNxhoCSoAQAvD_BwE; https://www.termalfurdo.hu/furdo/flexum-thermal-_-spa-72#lg=1&slide=1

  • Mosonmagyaróvár - Flexum Thermal & Spa

9700 Szombathely Ősz u. 4. • +36 30 352 0579 • viasancti@gmail.com