Participants of the programme are invited to discover and visit the places of interest and monuments related to Saint Martin.  Those who collect 10 points, as described below, will receive a badge and a certificate with their name on it.


Visit sites related to Saint Martin. These may include: churches of St. Martin (including church ruins and church sites), depictions of St. Martin, villages named after St. Martin, etc. Signposts and map panels on the Saint Martin's Way are not considered as separate sites.

1 site - 1 point.  Up to 3 sites within 1 municipality may be considered.

Points can also be earned by walking along sections of the St. Martin's Way designated for pilgrims and hikers.

10 kilometres of road - 1 point

Both foreign and Hungarian sites can be visited, but at least 3 points must be collected in Hungary.

It is up to you to decide which sites to visit and which stretches of road to hike.  The emphasis is on self-discovery.

1 - 1 site visited (route taken) can be certified as follows:

- by stamp (stamp with the name of the municipality), photograph or any other means that proves that the person has visited the site.

The certificate (certificate booklet) may be made out by the person concerned.

Completed certificate forms

- can be handed in personally at the Tourinform Office in Szombathely (Király u. 1-3.),

- They can be sent by post to the following address:

 Szent Márton European Cultural Route Council of Hungary, 9700 Szombathely Ősz u. 4.

The organisers will send the badge and the certificate to the participants by post.

Participation in the programme is free of charge. For further information, please contact info@viasanctimartini.eu

9700 Szombathely Ősz u. 4. • +36 30 352 0579 • viasancti@gmail.com