The visitor centre at St. Martin's Parish aims to give visitors a good understanding of the sights of the place. It offers the opportunity to organise various events and to maintain contacts. It is open to tourists, visitors with a scientific interest and religious pilgrims. Pilgrims can hold liturgical services in the church or pray individually.
The city of Szombathely, the birthplace of Saint Martin, one of Europe's most famous saints, is increasingly visited by visitors. Pilgrims come from France, Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Slovakia and our country. In 2012, the Swiss Guards also visited the site.
The starting point of this religious and cultural adventure is the Church of St. Martin. This ancient site has preserved for centuries the birth tradition of Saint Martin, later Bishop of Tours.
Pilgrims can take a journey through time from the early Christian era to the present day at the St Martin Visitor Centre, which was opened next to the church in 2007. For children and adults alike, the various exhibits and activities offer a lasting experience and an insight into the history of the place, the life and the honour of Bishop Saint Martin. In this way the past and development of Szombathely unfolds before them.
Hands-on copies of artefacts found during archaeological excavations and a series of graphics on the life and cult of the saintly bishop make the walk through the walls of the former Dominican monastery a visual experience. Visitors can learn about the lives of the monks who once lived here through the photographs and artefacts collected, as well as the different stages of the church's construction through a 3D presentation.
The visitor centre is open to everyone!
We welcome pilgrims who are not yet familiar with Bishop Saint Martin, those who have heard of him but want to know more than the stories of legends, those who are interested in a scientific approach to the life of the saint, and all those who are interested in the past, in a chapter of Szombathely's history!
Saint Martin Visitor Centre
Szent Márton u. 40.
Phone: 36 94 505-570
E-mail: plebania@stmarton.axelero.net
Visits. Opening hours: Saturdays 9.00 - 17.00
website: https://www.martinus.hu/szent-marton-latogatokozpont
Since the 1996/97 Saint Martin Jubilee Year, the city of Szombathely has been visited with increased interest as the birthplace of Saint Martin, one of Europe's most famous saints. Visitors come to the Church of St. Martin in Szombathely, whose origins date back to the 4th century, in search of Roman relics, to hear about cultural and historical values, to visit the birthplace of the patron saint of their town or church.
The visitor centre in the St. Martin's Parish aims to provide visitors with the necessary information about the sights of the place. It offers the opportunity to organise various events and to maintain contacts. It is open to tourists, visitors with a scientific interest and religious pilgrims. Pilgrims can hold liturgical services in the church or pray individually.
The exhibitions:
In addition to the exhibitions, there is the possibility to buy postcards and souvenirs.