Railway Station - Gencsapáti -Alsó

Address: 9721, Gencsapáti-alsó

More information and timetable


Hasonló találatok

Point of interest- Pannonhalma - Happy Mór Lookout

Pannonhalma - Boldog Mór-kilátó

Although not directly belonging to the abbey, the environment of the Benedictine Archabbey of Pannonhalma includes the Blessed...


Point of interest - Pannonhalma - Arboretum Nature Reserve

Pannonhalma - Arborétum Természetvédelmi Terület

The abbey's 22-hectare garden has been an integral part of the Benedictine monks' daily life since the monastery was founded in...


Stop point - Bratislava

Pozsony - Szent Márton Székesegyház

The oldest parish in Bratislava.


Point of interest - Dunaszeg - Lake Morotva nature trail lookout

Dunaszeg - Morotva tavi tanösvény kilátó

The nature trail is located in Dunaszeg, in the Szigetköz, and was built by the municipality of the village around the Morotva...


9700 Szombathely Ősz u. 4. • +36 30 352 0579 • viasancti@gmail.com