Stop point - Szatta

Stop point - Szatta

Szatta is one of the smallest settlements in the Guard. The village was depopulated during the Turkish times. The old village ("Puszta Szatta") was located east of the present settlement, in the area of the forester's house. A memorial pillar marks the site of the settlement. The Reformed belfry of Szatta was erected in 1912.
The Village Hall also houses a small local history exhibition. The road to Csöde passes through the area called "Barátosa". According to local tradition, the geographical name refers to the Palatines, who had a monastery west of Alsócsöde in the Middle Ages.

Something to see:
- Local history exhibition in the village hall
- Village hall (tourist house)

Address: 9938 Szatta, Fő u. 16.

Tel.: (36) 94 548-308 


- Kiskemence Guesthouse

Address: 9938 Szatta, Fő u. 12.

Tel.: (36) 30 200-9180




- Kópic Guesthouse

Address: 9938 Szatta, Fő u. 2.

(36) 30 410-8139


  • Szatta

9700 Szombathely Ősz u. 4. • +36 30 352 0579 •