(N-07)Mihályi - Sopronnémeti

(N-07)Mihályi - Sopronnémeti

Route: Mihályi templom - Potyond, templom (8.5 km) - Bogyoszló, templom (10 km) - Sopronnémeti, vasúti megálló (15 km)

  • Duration: 4 hour(s)
  • Length: 15 km

Area: Northern route
: Walking routes

Stop point

Megállópont - Mihályi

Megállópont - Mihályi

Mihályi has been a settlement for more than 8 centuries. According to a legend, in 1440 Elizabeth of Luxembourg (the widow of...


Stop point - Potyond


Potyond is a small settlement, with only 107 inhabitants in 2010. The Lutheran bell tower was built in 1872 and the Lutheran...


Stop point -Bogyoszló


It is a settlement in the Rába region famous for its woodcarvers. The Roman Catholic church of Bogyoszló, dedicated to Saints...


Stop point - Sopronnémeti


St Andrew's Roman Catholic Church was built around 1720, with a baroque altar and pulpit. The modern Lutheran church, next to...


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