City walk in Szombathely

City walk in Szombathely

The Historical Route of St. Martin (Via Historica Sancti Martini) leads from the Calvary Church to St. Martin's Church. It shows the sites linked to the city's early Christian traditions. The works of art at each stop point out an episode in the life of Martin and Quirinus.

  • Duration: 1 hour(s)
  • Length: 3 km

: City walk

Level difference

Stop point

Stop point - Szombathely


The people of Szombathely are particularly close to the person of Saint Martin. Above the entrance to the chapel of the church...


Stop point - Kálvária, Martineum

Kálvária, Martineum

"Martin the disciple dresses me" - by Tamás Somogyi

One of the two bronze reliefs depicts Martin sharing his cloak, the other...


Stop point - The site of the ancient theatre

Az ókori színház helye

Martin is beheaded by the heretics and expelled from Savaria

László Koller's work depicts the death sentence of Saint...


Stop point - St Quirinus Memorial, Perint Bridge

Szent Quirinus emlékhely, Perint híd

Where his body was cast ashore, a place of worship was established"

The memorial plaque is the work of sculptor Endre András...


Stop point - Cathedral, Seminary, Bishop's Palace

Székesegyház, Szeminárium, püspöki palota

After the founding of the Bishopric of Szombathely, János Szily, the first bishop, dedicated the diocese to the protection of...


Stop point - Savaria square

Savaria tér

László Koller's work depicts a relatively rarely depicted episode in the legend of Martin.

Bishop Martin gives his clothes to...


Stop point - Savaria Museum

Savaria Múzeum

In the park of the Savaria Museum, the relief under the philagoria depicts Martin, who was attracted to the hermitage, and...


Stop point - St Martin's Church, St Martin's Visitor Centre, St Martin's Cemetery

Szent Márton templom, Szent Márton Látogatóközpont, Szent Márton temető

"Martin was born in a town called Sabaria in Pannonia"

The site of the church of St Martin was already a Christian place of...


9700 Szombathely Ősz u. 4. • +36 30 352 0579 •